Posts Tagged ‘get it together’

Chris Brown vs. Yeah Yeah Yeah’s, Jay-Z vs. The Go! Team

July 14, 2008

I intended to post this last night, but my internet wasn’t tryin’ to hear it

And the Mashups are…

Kiss Kiss Boy (Yeah Yeah Yeah\’s vs. Chris Brown)


Roc Boys Get It Together (Jay-Z vs. The Go! Team)

Good grief, I and two other people picked forty seven pounds of blackberries today. Um, here’s a acoustic cover of “Eye of the Tiger” in French?

The Eye of the Tiger- Arnaud Aguergaray, Chiara Mastroianni, Maitane Sebastian, Olivier Bernet, Stéphane Garin & Stéphane Goueytes

If you have not seen “Heavy Metal In Baghdad” do so immediately.